Data Base Management
In a fast-paced environment, Cirion provides you with optimal data performance
Our database managed services ensure that a team of subject matter experts monitors and manages your Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database environments, continuously, 24/7.
Learn about the benefits of Data Base Management
Maximum Efficiency
Our experts provide monitoring, performance analysis, space control, log reviews, and backup checks to help you optimize your database operation
No Risks in Sight
Our managed database service ensures robust, proven, and audited processes and procedures that comply with the market’s main control and security standards
Data Base Management Meets your Business Needs
Benefits and Features
- Maintenance and management of Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database environments.
- Single provider management.
- In the hands of experts. Our professionals are highly skilled in the implementation and management of database environments.
- Security as a priority. We follow the strictest data control and protection standards.
Boost your transformation with Cirion’s products and services
Contact one of our local experts to get more details on the services available in your region.